Prepare yourself to say “I wish that existed when I was a kid”, we’re saying the same thing as well. Alright so Grintafy is a one-stop platform for football enthusiasts and personnel, it enables those who daydream of scoring the winning goal for their country to be connected with football clubs internationally, they host their tryouts in our app, we teach you how to walk through offering it to you, and now you are a Grintafy graduate taking the first step into football professionalism.

But hey having a receding hairline doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it anymore, stay fit with football games all around you! Join football games anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.
Coach, why are there 87 players playing against each other? Yeah, you mixed the training sessions again, didn’t you?

Hey hey its okay, we all make mistakes. Here’s a platform designed specifically for academies, providing you total control over workflow management, procedural oversight, coach and player management, performance reporting, and practice scheduling. Grinta Academy equips academy personnel with the essential tools required to propel the academy to new heights of success.
You’re running down the left wing, your teammates pull an Ozil cross, the ball lands just on your foot, you shoot with your weak left foot AND YOU … break the boss’s son's nose with a very off target shot.

That’s where GrintaFit comes in, weak foot? no technicalities? Poor scanning? lousy ball control? We got it covered through our GrintaFit app that includes football workouts & programs in the style that renowned football pros and athletes use to elevate their performance on the pitch. GrintaFit provides training crafted specially for you and your needs. It comes with robust analytics features where you track your training goals with details.
You saw what’s on TV? Turn the channel to GrintaTV! Check out our social media page dedicated to crafting content for the football audience such as game analysis, motivational clips, and football tips & advice. PS. It will give you a competitive edge over the opposing team.
While the whole world is looking for the next Messi, you should empower your scouting arsenal, you can’t keep wandering around the football pitches forever, we present to you … Grinta Scouting (Play “He’s a pirate by Klaus Badelt”) the comprehensive platform that provides all essential information vital for scouts, encompassing sophisticated scouting details including player performance reports, video footage, ratings, skills, historical data, age, height, and an array of additional features. This streamlined tool simplifies a scout's task, allowing for efficient, effective, and precise assessment of numerous players. It serves as a valuable resource for making informed judgments and decisions, ultimately contributing to the optimization of a club's success. Yes, it's true, it exists. Find the next Messi now.
Boss, there’s 3 teams trying to break into the field, it's chaotic! You confirmed 3 teams for the same booking again? Alright take a deep breath. We offer you the platform, Grintafy Fields, as an owner you are able to manage your field booking, financial, and content management also accessible through mobile app to stay connected to your account while on the go with your smartphone enabling you to take action quickly and easily.